The wedding dresses by Marsil will accompany you in one of the most memorable days in your life. Live again the emotion of a wedding through images and memory.
It’s as if I were the only bride in her Atelier. She dedicated herself to me with patience and skill.
The dress that I had dreamed of since I was a child, was being realized in her expert hands …
The dream of a life that becomes a dream life! Thank you dear Silvana.
Thanks Silvana for contributing to the Dream of a Life!
There are moments in a woman’s life in which a reassuring and classy presence, like those of Mrs. Silvana, are fundamental.
It was like that for me. His reassuring and classy presence was fundamental…
Entering the Marsil atelier is like entering a dream with a family atmosphere … classy clothes, precious fabrics and the sweetness of Chiara and Silvana. In such an important moment of my life I entrusted myself to their expert hands and I felt cured and understood. I will always keep in my heart an affectionate memory of our “dress proofs”. Marsil: synonymous with refinement and attention to detail…
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